
Service hours

Same as the service hours of the Alma Jordan Library. However, different hours apply to Special Collections. Special Collections: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Researchers wishing to consult Rare Books and Special Collections after 4:30.p.m. must obtain prior permission from the librarian(s) in WISC.

Reprographic Services

Copies are supplied for the purpose of research or private study. When publication is intended, it is the researcher’s responsibility to obtain clearance from the copyright holder.

Once your request has been approved. Click here to make your payment.

Price Schedule

Photocopies: General Collection

UWI Staff/Students

$0.50 TT per page (8 1/2 x 11 inches)

$1.00 TT per page (11 x 17 inches)


$0.75 TT per page (8 1/2 x 11 inches)

$1.50 TT per page (11 x 17 inches)

External Requests T&T/CARICOM $1.00 TT per page (Minimum charge $3.00 TT per page plus postage and service charge of $5.00 TT)
External Requests All Other Countries $0.75 US per page plus postage and a service charge of 10% cost of photocopying (minimum service charge of $10.00 US)

Photocopies: Special Collections

UWI Staff/Students

$1.00 TT per page (8 1/2 x 11 inches)

$1.50 TT per page (11 x 17 inches)


$1.00 TT per page (8 1/2 x 11 inches)

$1.50 TT per page (11 x 17 inches)

External Requests T&T/CARICOM $2.00 TT per page (Minimum charge $4.00 TT per page plus postage and service charge of $5.00 TT)
External Requests All Other Countries $1.00 US per page plus postage and a service charge of 10% cost of photocopying (minimum service charge of $10.00 US)

Digital Images: General Collection

$15.00 TT per image

An additional $5.00 TT per order will be applied for images delivered on CD.

Digital images: Special Collections

UWI Staff/Students

Pre-existing digital scan $20.00TT per image

New scan jpeg or PDF 150 – 200 dpi $30.00TT per image

New scan jpeg or PDF 300 dpi $40.00TT per image


Pre-existing digital scan $30.00TT per image

New scan jpeg or PDF 150 – 200 dpi $40.00TT per image

New scan jpeg or PDF 300 dpi $50.00TT per image

Fees for Publication from Special Collections

In addition to the reprographic charges above, the following administrative fees apply to material requested for publication

Personal/Individual (Visitors) $500.00 TT

Non-governmental Organization (NGO) $1000.00 TT

Corporate Body $2000.00 TT

Government Department $2000.00 TT


Preferred citation for Special Collections material.

Courtesy: The (name Special Collection). The Alma Jordan Library. The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago.

Researchers are encouraged to donate to The Alma Jordan Library a copy of any publication or reproduction using Special Collections materials.