Get Material We Do Not Own

The Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery service supplies The Alma Jordan Library users with access to research materials that are not available in The Alma Jordan Library's collection. Materials (including books, reports, theses, dissertations, government documents, microfilm or fiche, patents, conference papers, etc) are sourced from libraries nationally, regionally, and internationally.

This Service is for current UWI, St Augustine students, faculty and professional/administrative staff. Please note that we are unable to fulfil interlibrary loan requests during this period (Campus/Library's closure).

Instructions (April 2020 onwards): To request document delivery of chapters and articles (typically, parts of larger works), not available at The Alma Jordan Library electronically or in print, Faculty/students should:

  1. Faculty/Students: Fill out the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Request Form,
  2. Students: There is no need for your Head of Department's signature,
  3. Faculty/Students: Send the completed Form from your UWI STA email account to your Liaison Librarian,
  4. Students: Copy your Lecturer/Academic Supervisor to the email.

Please note: The Interlibrary Loans/Document Delivery Request form is for use only by staff/students of The University of the West Indies.