Circulation and Access Services

All users must present a valid University ID card, in order to borrow Library materials. All loans are subject to recall by the Librarian at any time.

Loan privileges are as follows:

Type of UserLoan Entitlement
Undergraduate Students 12 items (including serials)
4 Reserved items, 8 General items.
Postgraduate Students 14 items (including serials)
4 reserved items and 10 general loan items.
Academic / Senior Administrative Staff 19 items (including serials)
4 reserved items and 15 general loan items
UWI Cave Hill, Mona and Open Campus (Academic / Senior Administrative Staff) 19 items (including serials)
4 reserved items and 15 general loan items for up to 2 weeks
UWI Cave Hill, Mona and Open Campus (Tertiary Level) Students 8 general loan items for up to 2 weeks.
  • Reserved items - booklist or high demand items (These include two (2) Reserve items at a time either for use in the library or overnight as well as two (2) short loan items for three (3) or seven (7) days.)
  • General loan items - 14 or 28 days loan
  • Serials - Journals and magazines

Please note that periodicals and other serials (excluding certain titles and newspapers which are not for loan) can be borrowed for a period of seven (7) days and are NOT renewable. The most recently received issue of a periodical may not be borrowed. In cases of special need, additional items may be loaned at the discretion of the Librarian. Members of Senior Administrative, Academic and Professional Staff are no longer subject to fines. They will however still be automatically blocked for overdue items.

Items from the Reserve Collection cannot be renewed but patrons can renew 14 and 28 day loan items from the General Collection for an additional 7 days. However, certain conditions apply:

  • Items can be renewed once only.
  • If the item is on request, a renewal is not possible.
  • Items cannot be overdue.
  • Serials are not renewable.

Renewals can be done in person or via the phone at 662 2002, Exts. 82132/84030.

Items borrowed from the General Collection must be returned to the Loans Counter. Items borrowed from the Reserve Collection must be returned to the Reserve Counter. The Overnight chute (outside the Main Entrance to the Library) can be used when the library is closed. Click here to view opening hours. These items are cleared the following working day at 8.30 a.m.

Fines are levied upon all late returns of Library materials. The following rates apply:
Loan TypeRates
14 & 28 day General Loan items $1.00 per day
Reserved Loan items (3 & 7 days; 3 hours; Overnight) $1.00 per hour
Recalled items $1.00 per day

Users with fines of $1.00 or more are automatically blocked from borrowing. The maximum fine per item is $500.00. Failure to pay fines may result in loss of borrowing privileges and the placement of holds in the Banner system.

Users are responsible for returning all Library materials by the due date and are subject to all fines incurred. Courtesy and overdue notices are periodically sent to students' UWI email account. Users are responsible for notifying the Library of any address changes in order to receive courtesy notifications.

View Fine Payment Options

Lost/stolen library items must be immediately reported at the Help Desks to prevent fines from accumulating. If a stolen/lost item is not found, patrons are required to cover the cost of its replacement.
Requests for items currently on loan can be made at the Loans Counter. These items are held for a maximum of 3 days.