Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find a book at the UWI libraries?
  1. Search the library’s online catalogue or UWIlinC by author, title or keyword.
  2. Take a note of the Call #, use the Library Classification directory to determine on which floor item is located and go to the shelf to retrieve book.
  3. If item is in the "Course Reserves" collection, then you need to complete a form and give to library staff at the Course Reserves counter.

How long can I borrow these items for?
It depends on the item.
  • Books/CDs from the General Collection - 14 and 28 days
  • Course Reserve Collection items - 7 days; 3 days; overnight, 3 hours in library use
  • Serials/Journals - 7 days.

Do I need a library card to check out books?
No. You borrow books with your valid UWI student ID card.

Can I borrow videos and DVDs from the library?
Videos and DVDs cannot be taken out of the library.

How private are my circulation records? Do you keep track of all of the books I've checked out?
Your circulation records can be viewed by library staff and yourself.  Your library account lists all the books you borrowed.
How do I donate materials to the library?
Please refer to our how to donate materials to the library policy.

What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary loan is a service whereby the library sources a book/article that is not in our collection.

How do I get an Interlibrary Loan?
An Interlibrary loan request form can be obtained on the library’s website. Your request is processed through the head of your department and then forwarded to the subject division of the library.

How much does it cost to print in the Library?
  • Black & White
    • letter & legal - 25 cents per page
    • tabloid - 75 cents per page
  • Colour
    • letter & legal - $4.00 per page
    • tabloid - $7.00 per page


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