Reference Services


Reference services are provided to assist users in securing information and in using library materials. This includes answering queries, verifying citations, preparing bibliographies, assisting in the use of the library's on-line catalogue, instructing in techniques for finding information, etc.

An Information Desk, located in the Reference and Loans Unit, serves as the main point of  contact for all readers requiring information about library services. Staff at this Desk will also provide assistance for reader registration; matters arising from loans; library orientation and reference enquiries. The Circulation Desk is responsible for the lending and use of material in the Library. 

The Loans System is automated and uses an integrated computerized library system, ALEPH . Enquiries and other matters of concern arising from loans transactions should be referred to the Information Desk.

UWIlinC, provides a single interface to search online and discover the print and e-resources held by the libraries on each of the UWI Campuses.

The OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) allows you to search for information held by the University Campus Libraries.